Sunday 16 October 2016

Hillary-Are Iran and Saudi Arabia Deplorable?

Hillary Clinton accuses Donald Trump of being divisive. And now, of course he is an abuser of women. She calls him racist, xenophobic, fear-mongering and Islamophobic. And then refers to his supporters as deplorables and irredeemable. And then there are the Catholics who need reforming according to her campaign and what about those Hispanics? This is not divisive?

But have you ever heard her refer to the Saudis as deplorable? Or the Iranians as irredeemable? What of Qatar and its exploitation of immigrant workers?

Remember Michelle Obama and her #BringBackOurGirls? Have you heard a word from Hillary about Boko Haram and their abuse of girls as sex slaves? What about the Houthis, funded by the Iranians (thank you Hillary and Obama) who are firing missiles against US ships in the Red Sea! When was the last time she called drug dealers “deplorables” or rapists and murderers that have come into America illegally?

While Trump has claimed that he would be the President of the United States Hillary Clinton appears to be a Presidential Candidate more concerned about the rest of the world rather than her people, her citizenry. Odd isn’t it? Wikileaks reports that Hillary has expressed her desire for open borders, open trade and world government.

“Iran has made inroads in South American countries like Venezuela, which under the Chavez and Maduro regimes cooperated with Tehran on a broad range of issues, including in the field of nuclear energy. Countries like Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Bolivia have developed drug trafficking and terrorism ties with Iran, as part of a rabidly anti-Western, anti-American sentiment that led to that alignment with Iran.”

Can you imagine these people making their way into the USA? On top of that she wants open trade and world government. She “dream(s) of an America without borders, as expressed to investors of a Brazilian bank, in comments leaked by WikiLeaks. An America without borders, Hillary? How positively George Soros of you, Madam Secretary.”

World government-like the United Nations? Made of countries that are despotic, authoritarian, and theocratic, which have no desire for democracy, for freedom of speech, freedom to gather, freedom to dissent? No tolerance for the LGBTQ community. Decidedly misogynistic and anti-Semitic. World governance (UNESCO) that “denies Jewish ties to its most holy religious sites: the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.”

World governance that spends its time attacking the only democracy in the Middle East and North Africa, attempting to delegitimize her existence while saying not a word about the horrors in Africa: the murder of gays; the drowning and burning of infidels in Muslim countries; the stoning of women in such moderate Islamic countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia-representing the two main branches of Islam-Sunni and Shiite; Amputations of limbs and beheadings in the name of justice; the abduction of Black Christian girls by Boko Haram who are then turned into sex slaves. Or the lack of human rights in China and then there is North Korea! Is this the world governance that she wants? That Obama has praised?

“And we can only realize the promise of this institution’s founding — to replace the ravages of war with cooperation — if powerful nations like my own accept constraints. Sometimes I’m criticized in my own country for professing a belief in international norms and multilateral institutions. But I am convinced that in the long run, giving up some freedom of action — not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests, but binding ourselves to international rules over the long term — enhances our security. And I think that’s not just true for us.”

Binding America to international law? And who is making this Law? Who is in charge? How many of these countries are Muslim and their minions? Have we not learned from the failure of the United Nations, UNESCO UNRWA? When non-democratic nations, like China and Russia, get an equal vote with democracies-and perhaps veto power-how can we in the West defend our lifestyle? Our immutable values?

And contrary to what the President said “Despite the real and troubling areas where freedom appears in retreat, the fact remains that the number of democracies around the world has nearly doubled in the last 25 years, the numbers have dropped,” Freedom in the World 2015 “found an overall drop in freedom for the ninth consecutive year…Nearly twice as many countries suffered declines as registered gains—61 to 33—and the number of countries with improvements hit its lowest point since the nine-year erosion began.:

More lies and deceit.

Hillary Clinton is a repeat of Obama. She has acknowledged that the vetting process is a failure. The WikiLeaks document dump of Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches revealed the Democratic nominee told a private group in 2013 that the country of Jordan “can’t possibly vet all those [Syrian] refugees … so they don’t know if … jihadists are coming in along with legitimate refugees.”

She wants open borders and open markets and world governance. Her concern is not for the American people. Yet, like lemmings, Americans are following the self-proclaimed “enlightened” people. People who have become accustomed to wealth, to hob-nobbing with the upper crust while calling millions of people living in the trenches “deplorable and irredeemable.” And let us not forget those gun-toting, Bible reading citizens!

The Clinton machine has no policies to help these people-these proud, hard-working Americans. Nor do they have policies that will perk up the economy or protect and defend the borders. So they obfuscate with salacious gossip and with the media at her beck and call-for we now know from WikiLeaks that the media and the Clintons share the same space to keep the truth from being shared to all Americas.

The corrupt Clintons working with the most unethical media I have ever witnessed has truly rigged the election.

Now we must wait and see.

Diane Weber Bederman is a blogger for Times of Israel, a contributor to Convivium, a national magazine about faith in our community, and also writes about family issues and mental illness. She is a multi-faith endorsed hospital trained chaplain. Read Diane’s new book: Back to the Ethic:Reclaiming Western Values

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