HRANA News Agency – The sentence of 13 years imprisonment for Misagh Yazdan-Nejad has been broken by the Supreme Court and a parallel Court branch is going to make a new decision in this regard.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), in the eighth year of his imprisonment, the sentence of 13 years imprisonment for political prisoner, Misagh Yazdan-Nejad was broken, after a judicial review by the Branch 14 of the Supreme Court and the Appeal Court Branch 54, as a parallel branch, is going to consider the case of this political prisoner.
Misagh Yazdan Nejad, student of translation at the University of Payam Noor, was arrested by the Ministry of Intelligence agents on 10th September 2007, and was charged by the judge of the Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, also by the Revolutionary Court in Shahre Rey for participating in the 19th anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, and after his sentence was upheld by Branch 36 of the Appeal Court, he was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment. He is serving the eighth year of his imprisonment in Rajai Shahr prison.