Wednesday 08 July 2015

Unemployment in Iran forces grads, postgrads work as sweepers

Tehran, Iran, July 8

By Mehdi Sepahvand – Trend:

Some 23 people with graduate and postgraduate university degrees were employed as sweepers by the Municipality of Khorammabad city, Luristan province last month, Yahya Eidi Beiranvand, Mayor of the city said.

These people started their job last week, Eidi Beiranvand said, IRNA news agency reported July 8.

With 120,000 unemployed, Iran ’s western Luristan province has had the highest unemployment rate in Iran in recent years. However, the province’s ranking has grown by three grades since the beginning of the current Iranian fiscal year (March 21).

The province’s capital, Khorramabad has a population of 450,000.

Reportedly some 40 percent of Iranian university graduates are jobless.

In order for the country to attain a single-digit inflation rate, some 800,000-900,000 jobs should be created.

Iran’s jobless rate fell to 10.8 percent in spring. The jobless rate was 11.5 percent in winter.

Edited by CN

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