Saturday 27 December 2014

Unsuitable Condition of Mohsen Daneshpour and Motahareh Bahrami

HRANA News Agency – Mental and Physical condition of “Mohsen Daneshpour Moghadam”, a death row Political Prisoner and his wife “Motahareh Bahrami” due to various ailments and senility have been reported as unsuitable.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), it has been about two month since 71-year-old death row prisoner diagnosed with Alzheimer to the extent that he has lost the track of time and location . He is also suffering from severe depressive disorders, thrombosis, severe lumbar disc disease and prostate.

Mohsen Daneshpour Moghadam has been serving his sentence for the last 5 years at Evin Prison with no holiday leave. Doctors have announced several times that to control the Alzheimer condition, he would need special control and medical treatments. In addition, Pathology has issued him with a certificate confirming he is not fit for his punishment months ago.

According to the reports, his wife, Motahareh Bahrami Haghighi is suffering from severe RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) which encompasses all of her joints, so now she has lost the ability to move to great extents.

It is worth mentioning that in Ashura 2009, Mohsen Daneshpour Moghadam along with his wife (Motahareh. Bahrami), his son (Ahmad Daneshpour Moghadam), and his daughter in law (Reyhaneh Haj Ibrahim Dabagh) were arrested and charged with fighting and acting against national security at branch 15 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court by Judge “Salvati” and then sentenced to death all together without having access to lawyer or legal aid. While their case being reviewed at the Appeal Court, only “Motahareh. Bahrami, Reyhaneh Haj Ibrahim Dabagh and Hadi Ghaemi” received the services of legal aid counsellor who managed to reduce their sentences to 10, 15 and 15 accordingly.

Unfortunately, Mohsen Daneshpour Moghadam’s death sentence has been proceeded at the branch 36 of Appeal Court by Judge “Zargar” and was confirmed. Mohsen Daneshpour Moghadam was the fifth suspect of this case who has been charged with waging war against God through supporting MEK.

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