Sunday 07 December 2014

Saeed Yasaee released from prison

HRANA News Agency – Saeed Yasaee, a follower of Interuniversalism Mysticisms (Erfane Halgheh) who has been in custody since 18 November 2014, temporarily released after depositing a 100,000,000 Tomans bail.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), on Tuesday 18 November 2014, Saeed Yasaee was arrested by security forces while he was attempting to sit in a taxi to go home. He released today after 3 weeks and depositing a 100 million Toman bail.

A well informed source to HRANA reporter: “Saeed Yasaee has been under extreme interrogations at IRGC Ward 2A. The source also added that the allegations he has been charged with are propaganda against regime, disturbing the public order, acting against national security and attending an illegal gathering.”

It is important to mention that on the same day as Saeed Yasaee arrested , a group of Mohammad Ali Taheri’s students and Erfane Halghe followers were gathered in front of Evin Prison to protest against Mohammad Ali Taheri’s arrest and to express their concerns for his health condition.

Reports indicate that Moahmmad Ali Taheri – a Conscious Prisoner – is still on hunger strike and he is in a critical health condition due to his extreme weakness.

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