Saturday 26 July 2014

“Dervishes Migrate from Iran to Evin Prison” Campaign

Majzooban Noor - Majzooban Noor news website forms a campaign named " Dervishes migrate from Iran to Evin", in which applicants register to demonstrate their protest to put an end to illegal conduct of despotic officials.

In a statement issued by Majzooban Noor, it has been mentioned "If those who have access to power and authority infringe the framework of their duties and abuse their given authority, the onus is on the Iranian citizens to adopt legal and rational stances and also take appropriate strides to inhibit the running government from falling into the abyss of autocracy". Also it went on:

"When our spiritual brothers due to the defense the sanctum of Sufism and justice are viciously oppressed, mistreated, and also deprived of the most basic fundamental rights, what choice is left for us except in order to show our solidarity and sympathy with our dears and also to demonstrate our protest due to the lack of law enforcement, migrate from a large prison called Iran to a smaller one named Evin prison?"

The full text of this statement follows; you can enter the campaign registration by clicking the respective link.

Authorities' and rulers' adherence and obedience from the Constitution and Statute law is known as a yardstick of legitimacy and acceptability of any government.

Extrajudicial conduct, disregard, infringement and even conflict with the law by the officials have negatively overshadowed the right and decision of people upon their destiny, afterward, any silence in front of illegal orders even in lawful conditions! can direct the rulers and officials on the path of tyranny and autocracy.

Maintenance and implementation of freedom, independence, unity and territorial integrity, are recognized as mutual duties and assignments between nation and government upon each other.

No one can rationally and religiously deny and infringe right to life, nor liberty and legal rights of citizens, nor can empower the right of people upon their destiny to particular individuals or groups in order to be in their benefits.

Thus, if those who have access to power, violate their duties and exploit their authority in favor of their interests, it is assumed that Iranians have this obligation to take any legal and rational steps in order to prevent the government from falling into autocracy and tyranny.

We, Gonabadi Ne'matollahi Dervishes, have been witness the oppressors' atrocities, brutality of mercenary politicians, and the idiocy of corrupt bigots for many years as well, and in a space of deprivations, restricts, discriminations, and harassments, we have experienced innocence.

In this regard, we have still stood and adhered patiently to our rights and also informed the policy makers and respective officials concerning the fundamentalists' unlawful behaviors by using peaceful measures and refraining from any type of violence through the widespread complaints and correspondences as well.

Today, no officials can claim that are unaware of oppressions which are imposed on Dervishes. It is seen that some officials even hint through their interviews with Medias or in their slogans and speeches openly confess to oppressions imposed on Dervishes, however, in practice no effective move has been taken so far to help Dervishes to get rid of these difficult conditions.

In the bottleneck of lack of commitment to law enforcement by authorities, the doors and apertures of autocracy have been opened; thus, no warranty to maintain the human dignity and freedom for Dervishes is imagined.

Those who enjoy and inhale the sorrows and moans of the oppressed like fresh air, have turned our extensive country into a huge prison in which there are neither eyes to see, nor ears to hear the truth, nor impartial judges amongst the claimants of religiosity and politics.

"When our spiritual brothers due to the defense the sanctum of Sufism and justice are viciously oppressed, mistreated, and also deprived of the most basic fundamental rights, what option is left for us but in order to show our unity and sympathy with our dears and also to demonstrate our protest due to the lack of law enforcement, migrate from a large prison called Iran to a smaller one named Evin prison. The freedom in my country is identical to a gradual death. We shall migrate from Iran to Evin prison, and do welcome this imprisonment with open arms by bypassing the freedom.

We are chanting our Misery;
Join in, saying "In His Name", if you are on our side.

Majzooban Noor Website, is going to form a campaign named " Dervishes Migrate from Iran to Evin Prison", in this respect, we do welcome and press all hands of Dervishes, Patriots, freedom loving people.

Detailed time table and schedule will be announced later.

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