Wednesday 23 July 2014

50 prisoners have been hanged in Kerman during last 6 months

HRANA News Agency – The judicial system has executed 50 people in Kerman from December last year till now.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), since the new government came to power in Iran the judicial system of the country has increased the secret executions in prisons and refuses Public announcement of the execution in the state run media.

Human Rights Activists in Iran has collected the names of those had been executed in the central prison of Kerman, since the beginning of this year and based on that date, 50 people were executed on charges of drugs transport and storage.

However, in that period of time government agencies published execution of just four people without giving their name but they did not release any details of other 46 people executions.

All the verdicts of the Revolutionary Court have been issued by judge Ahmad Ghorbani and persecutor, Farajollah Kargar.

According to the Annual Report on Human Rights Activists in Iran, half of all executions in Iran are running secretly and comparing to last year it has been doubled.

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