Monday 21 July 2014

3 Azeri activists sentenced to imprisonment in Tabriz

HRANA News Agency – Three Azerbaijani activists have been sentenced to 7 years imprisonment by a court in Tabriz.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Rasol Razavi, Hossein Ali Mohammadi and Taha Kermani, three Azerbaijani civil activists were sentenced to 7 years in total by a court in Tabriz.

Judge Bagherpour the head of the third branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tabriz sentenced Ali Mohammadi and Kermani on charge of propaganda against the Regime and insulting the Supreme Leader to endure three years imprisonment for each of them, and also, Rasol Razavi on charge of propaganda against the Regime to one year imprisonment. .

“The destruction of public property and sacrilege” is also two other alleged charges that Ali Mohammadi and Kermani have faced. On 6th August they will be presented to defend themselves at Tabriz Revolutionary and General Court, Branch 104.

Indeed, Hossein Ali Mohammadi and Taha Kermani on 4th November 2013 and Rasol Razavi on 4th December 2013 were detained by Tabriz security forces and after several months were released on high bails.

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