Sunday 14 July 2013

Iranian MP urges Majlis to question intelligence minister

Azerbaijan, Baku, July.14/ Trend R.Zamanov/

Iranian conservative MP Ahmad Tavakoli has called on the Majlis (Iranian parliament) to question the intelligence and national security minister over the case of discovery of surveillance equipment in another MP's office.

Iranian conservative MP Ali Motahari announced earlier this week that his office was wiretapped and illegally videotaped.

Motahari said in a statement that surveillance equipment was accidentally discovered in the air conditioning ductwork, and his own video surveillance shows that nine intruders have entered the premises at night.

"Since ordinary people can't do such things, there is no doubt that an organization has done such a shocking act," Ahmad Tavakoli said, adding that it would be a shame if it turns out that the country's intelligence and national security organizations were behind the move.

He further said that considering the fact that the surveillance equipment was hidden unprofessionally, the move may just aim at frightening some of the MPs who constantly criticize the government.

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