Wednesday 25 July 2012

Al-Assad commits international suicide

By Tariq Alhomayed /

Like a whale deliberately beaching itself, Bashar al-Assad committed suicide internationally when his official foreign affairs spokesman announced that the regime has chemical and biological weapons, stored in secure locations and under the control of al-Assad’s forces. The spokesman then added that these weapons would not be used regardless of how the Syrian crisis develops, and that the regime would only resort to such measures in the event of foreign aggression!

Acknowledging the possession of these weapons, from the mouthpiece of the al-Assad regime itself, constitutes a compelling reason for an international coalition to move against it, not to mention the fact that the regime has threatened to use such weapons in the case of any external interference. This acknowledgement does not only implicate al-Assad, but it also exposes the Russians who are defending the tyrant of Damascus. Acknowledging the possession of these weapons, and threatening to use them, indicates of the level of desperation the regime in Damascus has reached. Al-Assad has now freely admitted what he spent the past 40 years denying. This evokes memories of Muammar Gaddafi, who allowed the Americans to inspect even his chicken coops and claimed to have handed over all his banned weapons; however he still kept some that were only discovered after he was overthrown. This also brings to mind the case of Saddam Hussein, who fell victim to his own lies about chemical weapons in the past, but admitted after he was captured that he could not reveal the truth about not possessing nuclear weapons, in order to maintain his “macho” image in front of Iran! Meanwhile we find al-Assad, in a clear state of desperation, publicly delivering his neck to the Israelis and the international community!

This step can only be described as political suicide, and gives a clear justification now to deal with a tyrant who does not hesitate to commit the most heinous crimes against the people of Syria. Consequently, he may use these weapons against his people, or against his neighbors, especially considering that the weapons will only be used in the case of foreign intervention in Syria, and the regime has never stopped labeling the rebels and the revolution as the product of a foreign conspiracy! After this, who can continue to safeguard a regime such as this, which has killed around 17,000 Syrians so far? Certainly no one! Hence, al-Assad’s acknowledgement of using chemical and biological weapons is evidence that the regime is on the verge of collapse, and it has genuinely lost its senses. Otherwise, it would not have dared to issue this highly provocative statement, which by necessity requires international action quickly in order to ensure that these weapons do not fall into the hands of Hezbollah or some other entity. More importantly, intervention is required to ensure that the regime does not use these dangerous weapons against the unarmed Syrians, especially with the intensification of fighting in the Syrian capital Damascus, and in the city of Aleppo, and the increasing violence that the al-Assad regime is carrying out as it loses control all over Syria. The al-Assad regime may well use its prohibited weapons, just as Saddam Hussein did against the Kurds in Halabja.

Al-Assad and Saddam Hussein are two sides of the same coin; they are Baathists, although their crimes varied. They also share the same suicidal mentality, Saddam ended up in a hole, and here is al-Assad digging one for himself!

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