Monday 04 July 2011

Venezuela not to sell uranium to Iran

David Velásquez, the Venezuelan Ambassador to Tehran, said that "there have been no talks, within the framework of relations and cooperation with Iran, about a possible supply" of the mineral

Venezuela does not plan to sell uranium to Iran, David Velásquez, the Venezuelan Ambassador to Tehran, told Efe.

Velásquez said: "Venezuela has uranium reserves but it is neither a producer nor a seller of uranium." The Venezuelan diplomat also noted: "there have been no talks, within the framework of relations and cooperation with Iran, about a possible supply" of the mineral.

According to international organizations, Venezuela has 50,000 tons of untapped uranium reserves.

Iran, which has also uranium reserves, is using them to produce fuel for its nuclear program.

The United States and other countries have accused Iran of using its nuclear program for military purposes.

Source: EL UNIVERSAL / English

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