Monday 04 July 2011

IRGC Involved in Smuggling Operations

In a speech before senior regime officials, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insinuated that IRGC members were involved in smuggling operations, and that this was known to figures in the regime. He threatened to close the borders in order to prevent this activity, and also to expose secrets about the regime if the persecution of his associates continues. These statements by the president reflect the escalating tension between him and the regime. IRGC commander Mohammad Jafari denied that his organization was involved in smuggling. The website Heft-e Sobh, which is close to Ahmadinejad, denied statements by Mojtaba Zolnour, who is close to Khamenei, to the effect that Ahmadinejad may be impeached. The website stated that the regime would not dare to take such a step, because Ahmadinejad has the people's support.

Source: Mehr, Ayande News (Iran), July 3, 2011;,, July 2, 2011

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