The death sentence of the Iranian Christian convert Yousef Naderkhani has been upheld by the appeals court on the charge of apostasy.
The Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence for christian citizen Yousef Naderkhani. According to the Human Rights House of Iran, Naderkhani who has converted to Christianity at the age of 19, has allegedly engaged in christian propaganda. He has been sentenced to death for apostasy and advertising the Christian faith to Muslims.
His fellow Christians refer to him as Pastor and he has been imprisoned since October of 2009. If his execution sentenec is carried out, he will be the first person executed for apostasy in the past 20 years.
In September 1990, Pastor Hossein Soodmand was executed in Mashhad due to his insistence on keeping his belief in the Christian faith.
Naderkhani, 35, is a father of two children. His wife Fatemeh Pasandideh was also arrested and later acquitted of the charges.
Source: Human Rights House of IRAN