HRANA – The following message has been released by Mothers of Park Laleh and addressed to eighteen political prisoners on hunger strike in Evin Prison.
“Not everyone must be executed.”
These words were uttered by the Prosecutor General of Tehran after the political prisoner Mohsen Dikmechi died in Evin Prison. The recent deaths of Haleh Sahabi and Hoda Saber have proven that the government of Iran insists on fulfilling such a plan.
The brave and beloved children of Iran, from behind Evin’s soaring prison walls, the news of your hunger strike in protest to Haleh Sahabi and Hoda Saber’s deaths have reached our ears. You are the free-hearted individuals who don’t give up fighting for freedom and liberty even in shackles and bondage.
The courageous children of Iran, our mother land needs you, the daring souls. You are the promise of future bliss and hope for this land.
Therefore, we, the Mothers of Park Laleh, ask you to end your hunger strike before this regime’s wicked intentions bound to eliminate the existence of those pure in heart is realized.
With the hopes of victory and liberty for Iran and longing for the day that there will be no prison walls in the world,