Thursday 05 May 2011

Security forces enforce gender segregation

In the ongoing limitations imposed on Mazandaran University students, a part of the ‘sexual segregation’ plan which officials have spoken of for a long time was carried out in this university.

According to reports, on Sunday May 1, a group of plainclothes agents which had not been seen in this university before carried out the segregation along with Bassij forces. They confiscated the student ID cards of a number of male and female students.

A student who had talked with these forces for some time said, “A few of my classmates and I were sitting in the university when suddenly a number of plainclothes agents came towards us and confiscated some of the students’ ID cards. They said they had been sent by the State Security Forces and that they were acting under the coordination of the University Protection Department”.

“They did not answer my questions regarding their intent. This also happened to my other friends in other sections of the university and they still have not returned our student cards”, this student added.

This student said that they only told them that they had to go to the office of the head of the Protection Department in the Central Organization to receive their cards.

According to this report, students have been interrogated for hours for various reasons in this room in the past by the head of the Protection Department and sometimes by security forces. (Daneshju News – May 2, 2011)

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