Friday 22 April 2011

Nader Ahsani issued illegal sentence of two years in prison

According to Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran and other Iranian human rights groups, on April 9th, student activist Nader Ahsani was summoned to branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court to receive an inhumane and illegal sentence of two years in prison, issued by Judge Moghiseh, a member of the commission responsible for the 1988 political massacres in Iran.

Nader Ahsani’s first arrest by the Ministry of Intelligence agents occurred on December 2, 2007, days before the national Student Day ceremonies (December 7th). The leftist student activist was kidnapped from the front door of his home and taken to ward 209 of Evin prison. He spent 53 days in solitary confinement under interrogation and severe physical and psychological torture. On the 68th day, he was released on a $100 thousand USD bail. The torture marks were still visible on his body at the time of his release (فعال دانشجویی نادر احسنی پس از پایان محکومیتش با استقبال گرم حاضرین از زندان آزاد شد).

On February 8, 2009, he was arrested again at his home, this time along with his sister Elham Ahsani. The Ministry of Intelligence agents brutally attacked him physically, then transferred him to ward 209 of Evin prison. During his incarceration, he endured interrogations and physical and psychological torture. However, due to the international pressures, Nader Ahsani was released from prison fourteen days later. Nader Ahsani was completing his military service at the time of his arrest and detention.

On February 12, 2010, with the excuse of building a new case file against Nader Ahsani, the Ministry of Intelligence interrogators (the torturers) tried him in branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Mohammad Moghiseh. Nader Ahsani was charged with, “Acting against national security”, “Propaganda against the regime and society”, “Conspiring against the regime”, and other charges.

He was previously charged with engaging in student activism by the same branch presided by Judge Moghisheh and sentenced to one year in prison.

His sentence was executed on April 20, 2010 and he was released from prison on February 7, 2011.

Report by Persian2English
Source: Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran

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