Tuesday 11 January 2011

Iran's Die-Hard Democrats

By ILAN BERMAN (WSJ) -- Are Iran's democratic stirrings truly a thing of the past? Ever since the so-called Green Movement coalesced in the wake of the country's fraudulent June 2009 presidential vote, Western observers have rushed to write its epitaph.

Over the past year, more than a few Iran watchers have argued that the internal contradictions within Iran's opposition movement doom it to failure and that, as a result, Washington has no alternative but to engage with Iran's ayatollahs. Similarly, some media outlets, in reporting the Green Movement's lackluster showing during Ashura celebrations in mid-December, have suggested that Iran's once-vibrant democracy drive has run out of gas. Still others have concluded that, at least when it comes to mobilization and mass protest, the Green Movement should now be considered largely defunct.

But is it? Unquestionably, the wave of opposition that swept over Iran in the summer of 2009 has receded significantly. Organizationally, Iranian democrats' lack of sustained leadership and the absence of a unifying common vision have served to undermine their long-term cohesion. Practically, these opposition activists gradually have been cowed into passivity by the widespread brutality of the regime's domestic militia, the Basij. Any yet, if the Iranian government's recent machinations are any indication, the powers-that-be in Tehran are far less certain than are Western foreign-policy experts that Iran's democratic impulses have withered on the vine.

To wit, Tehran's chief prosecutor, Abbas Jafari-Dolatabadi, announced plans this month to prosecute Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Kharroubi, the thwarted presidential candidates who went on to become the titular leaders of the Green Movement. "Leaders of the sedition will definitely be prosecuted," Mr. Jafari-Dolatabadi has confirmed, warning that "[t]he accusations against the sedition leaders are more than they think and they will understand when we issue our list of charges."


Are Iran's democratic stirrings truly a thing of the past? Ever since the so-called Green Movement coalesced in the wake of the country's fraudulent June 2009 presidential vote, Western observers have rushed to write its epitaph.

Over the past year, more than a few Iran watchers have argued that the internal contradictions within Iran's opposition movement doom it to failure and that, as a result, Washington has no alternative but to engage with Iran's ayatollahs. Similarly, some media outlets, in reporting the Green Movement's lackluster showing during Ashura celebrations in mid-December, have suggested that Iran's once-vibrant democracy drive has run out of gas. Still others have concluded that, at least when it comes to mobilization and mass protest, the Green Movement should now be considered largely defunct.

But is it? Unquestionably, the wave of opposition that swept over Iran in the summer of 2009 has receded significantly. Organizationally, Iranian democrats' lack of sustained leadership and the absence of a unifying common vision have served to undermine their long-term cohesion. Practically, these opposition activists gradually have been cowed into passivity by the widespread brutality of the regime's domestic militia, the Basij. Any yet, if the Iranian government's recent machinations are any indication, the powers-that-be in Tehran are far less certain than are Western foreign-policy experts that Iran's democratic impulses have withered on the vine.

To wit, Tehran's chief prosecutor, Abbas Jafari-Dolatabadi, announced plans this month to prosecute Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Kharroubi, the thwarted presidential candidates who went on to become the titular leaders of the Green Movement. "Leaders of the sedition will definitely be prosecuted," Mr. Jafari-Dolatabadi has confirmed, warning that "[t]he accusations against the sedition leaders are more than they think and they will understand when we issue our list of charges."

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