Friday 07 January 2011

Journalist Mehran Rajabi Held Incommunicado

Human Rights House of IRAN, Mehran Rajabi was in Qazvin to visit his family when the security forces rushed into their house and arrested him. The officers were in unmarked clothing and gave no grounds for the arrest. They also confiscated his personal computer and books.

His family has been given no information about the premise for his arrest nor they have received any visitaion rights. The only information they have received is that their son is being held in Ward 209 of Evin Prison.

Mehran Rajabi has the work history in media agencies such as ISNA, ILNA, Kargaran Newpaper, Etemade Meli Newspaper and Hamshahri Newspaper.

According to Human Right Organizations, Iran has world’s highest incarceration rate of journalists and due to this it has been dubbed the world’s biggest prison for journalists.

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