Wednesday 05 January 2011

Residence of Tavakoli Family Brutally Attacked

Daneshjoo News, January 5, 2011 - Pressure on Majid Tavakoli and his family increases as authorities continue to state their position against the Green Movement and its leaders. According to reports from Shiraz, early this morning, a number of Intelligence agents from the Shiraz Ministry of Intelligence brutally attacked the residence of Majid Tavakoli’s [family], destroying furniture and confiscating all books, pamphlets, computers and CD’s. Reports indicate that the family was threatened and their personal property was inhumanely destructed.

According to Daneshjoo News, Ali Tavakoli, Majid Tavakoli’s brother was also summoned to the Office of Investigation at the Shiraz Ministry of Intelligence early this morning. He was released after a few hours of interrogation.

Majid Tavakoli, Bahareh Hedayat, and Mahdieh Golroo were recently summoned to the Prosecutor’s office at Evin, new case files were opened against them and they were charged with “publishing lies”. Tavakoli is said to have been put under extreme pressure to take a stance against the leaders of the Green Movement and to deny the alleged letters attributed to him in support of the Green Movement. The court set a $200 thousand USD bail for Tavakoli in regards to the new charges.


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