Monday 13 September 2010

Scott Brown: Terrorists Bad, Iran Worse

Terrorism remains a threat to the United States, according to Senator Scott Brown. On Saturday, Brown confirmed that the intelligence briefings he has received since he joined the Senate in February illustrate his statement. Brown's briefings came from his membership on the Armed Services and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees. He said:

"I wish I could kind of make it flowery and say that everything’s great. But based on the fact that our enemies have access to deadly technology and being in my new position, it’s enabled me to . . . be fully informed when events are happening or when events have not happened, when they have been thwarted. There are others that have been foiled and you will not hear of."

Brown said he believed Iran is now a greater threat to the United States than Al Qaeda. Specifically, an Iran with nuclear weapons would be the biggest threat to national security. He said Iran's "tentacles are everywhere," in terms of sponsoring terrorism and developing nuclear weapons. He says Middle Eastern leaders fear Iran's nuclear aspirations.

Brown's Boston office, ironically, had a security scare last week. The first four floors of the John F. Kennedy Federal Building were evacuated briefly on Thursday after a retired chemistry professor brought an experiment with him for a scheduled meeting with Brown. Th experiment featured a metal fuel canister with wires and was designedto show what caused TWA Flight 800 to crash in 1996. The visitor didn't inform Brown’s staff about the device. No charges are planned.

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