Tuesday 17 August 2010

Kurdish rebels kill Iran militiamen: report

TEHRAN (AFP) – Kurdish rebels have killed a commander of the elite Revolutionary Guards and two Islamist militiamen in clashes near a northwestern city, a newspaper reported Saturday.

The clashes took place near the city of Orumieh in West Azarbaijan province on Friday between members of the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK) and the Guards, Iran's hardline ideological force, Shargh daily said.

A Guards commander identified as Nasser Pasandideh and two members of the Islamist Basij militia, which operates under the Guards, were killed, the report said.

PJAK is closely allied with the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, which operates in Turkey and is listed as a "terrorist" group by Ankara and much of the international community.

PJAK has been fighting security forces in northwestern Iran which has a significant Kurdish population.

In May, Iran hanged four Kurds, including a woman, for alleged ties with the group.

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