Wednesday 11 August 2010

Iranian gas infrastructure collapsed for lack of security budgets

This week, tow severe accidents have happened in the country national gas infrastructure, which caused life causalities. The first, on the dawn of August 3rd, in which strong explosion have happened in the gas major pipe line that is leading gas to Tabriz area and other cities in Azerbaijan district, and caused a large fire.

The explosion occurred near Shirabad, some 30 kilometres south of the city of Astara, stopped the gas transfer to the area, and caused total closure of the gas pipe. The security forces have closed the area. Firemen were alerted to the place of the explosion, as well as emergency crews, and later on some ambulances.

The second event happened on August 4th afternoon's, in which a gas pipe line has exploded at the entrance of the Pardis Petrochemical Complex in the city of Assalouyeh, in south of Iran on the Persian Gulf shore. The explosion caused a big fire, heavy damage in property, five casualties and unknown number of injured people.

The analyses that were done up till now revealed long neglecting of many years in infrastructure gas and pointed at deficient maintenance of the pipelines due to lack of budgets. In the last period there seems to b substantial reduction of resources allocation to the infrastructure electricity, water and gas keeping which causes ongoing failures. On the other hand, growing budgets are given to organizations that serve the regime especially.

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