Tuesday 18 March 2008

We demand release of the Kurdish prisoner, Sedigh Kaboudvand ‎‎

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

According to the latest information about the litigation of Mr. Sedigh ‎Kaboudvand in the Islamic court and indictment of the Islamic attorneyship, ‎his accusations are the following items: actions against the National Security ‎by forming and administrating an organization to defend human rights in ‎Kurdistan, advertising against the Islamic Republic Regime by cooperating ‎with human rights organizations, sending letters and complaints to ‎authorities of some foreign countries, distributing fake essays and articles, ‎publishing canards, disquieting general mentalities through cooperating and ‎negotiating with opponent foreign medias and government foes. ‎

Human Rights Organization of Kurdistan condemns issue of conviction ‎against Mr. Kaboudvand and announces that he is the originator of the ‎Kurdish Human Rights Defense Organization and he is the premier Kurdish ‎captive inside Iran; he has a great reputation of defending human rights and ‎humanity and his peaceful support for civil and political rights declares his ‎innocence and disapproves unlawful and baseless charges of the juridical ‎system. He has never committed any violence and never invited or ‎encouraged individuals and groups toward aggression; furthermore, he has ‎always condemned these sorts of actions. ‎

This organization believes that Mr. Kaboudvand is jailed because of ‎defending minorities and their ethnic/national rights of the Kurdish people ‎and for establishing Kurdish Human Rights Defense Organization and for ‎emphasizing on peaceful methods to support civil and political rights for ‎achieving human rights, rights for women and minorities and to reassure ‎democracy and human rights. This organization introduces him as the ‎premier Kurdish captive and an innocent liberal and intensely expects ‎conscious and conscientious people of the world and international ‎organizations to prosecute immediate and non-conditional release of ‎Mohammad Sedigh Kaboudvand.‎

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