Sunday 09 March 2008

Letter: Iran Dialogue

New York Times

To the Editor: Your story "The Other Iran" (Feb. 10) prompted several letters reporting that Iranians evidence no anti-American sentiment but object only to our president. Fair enough. But apparently all of the writers were unaware of Iran’s brutal repression of individual liberties, suppression of women, support for terrorism and calls for the destruction of Israel. Otherwise they might have replied, “We’re not really sold on your president either”— and a real dialogue might have begun.

Bill Marsano
New York

To the Editor: The article on Iran brought back some strange memories of my 1975 visit to the Shah Abbas Hotel in Esfahan, Iran: the surprise of hearing Viennese waltzes played by a string ensemble as I walked down the grand staircase to the elegant dining room; and the inexpensive availability of caviar — I had it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Over the years many things have changed in Iran. But I wonder if anything can approach the memories of dining at the Shah Abbas in 1975.

David L. Schneider
Palm Springs, Calif.

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