Friday 08 February 2008

US concerned at upsurge of executions in Iran

WASHINGTON: The US has expressed concern at a marked increase in executions in Iran and charged that a growing number of death sentences are imposed after unfair trials.

"We join the international community in expressing concern about the increase in executions in Iran -- at least 36 executions have been reported in the Iranian and international press since January one," US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said in a statement on Wednesday.

"We are also concerned about the growing number of cases in which the death sentence is imposed after trials that were neither fair nor transparent," he added.

"We are troubled that individuals are being sentenced to death, including by stoning, for crimes that do not meet the standards outlined in the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights, which Iran has ratified," the spokesman said.

Iran has seen an upsurge in executions -- mostly of rapists, murderers and drug-traffickers -- in recent months as the authorities implement a campaign which they say is aimed at improving security in society.

Iran's Etemad newspaper on Wednesday reported that a 22-year-old man has been sentenced to death by hanging after being caught four times drinking alcohol, which is strictly banned in the Islamic republic and merits execution after three convictions.

The execution still needs to be confirmed by Iran's supreme court before being carried out.

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