Associated Press
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Thursday told global business and political leaders to take a personal stand against Iran's leadership by divesting from the country.
"The collective political and social power here can shape the future and the course of history," Livni told the World Economic Forum. "Iran exports terrorism, destabilizes the region, denies the Holocaust and threatens to wipe Israel, my home, off the map."
Their response will matter, she added. "History will judge us all."
Livni said Israel was trying to deal with the dangers posed by Hamas, But, she added, "we have a greater threat ... the Iranian threat," which she also charged with standing in the way of Israelis and Palestinians from finding a lasting peace.
"If every company here and every country here would decide to divest from Iran, this would stop Iran," she said. "Iran is a global threat and Iran can be stopped by you."