Monday 03 September 2007

Human Rights Monitoring - Iran – 02 September 2007

Asou Saleh, a Kurd journalist sentenced to one year prison by the revolutionary court of the regime. He has to escape from Iran and the court will confiscate the guarantees that his family put in to release him temporarily.

The journalists in Azerbaijan are more than often under pressure.

Abolfazl Vesali, director of newspaper “Nedaye Azar Abadegan” who had been sentenced before to prison, has been accused once more again by the revolutionary court of Tabriz because he had exposed the ministry of urban’s defalcations. Human right’s activists are upset because of the pressures on him and his family.

The activists of Kurd society are also more and more under pressure.

Nasri, the director and Qazali one of the editors of student journal Roujame are in hunger strike in the jail. These two persons had no connection and visit with their families.


Keyvan Ansari the PHD student of Amir Kabir University has been transferred to the section of dangerous prisoners in Evin because he protested the forcedly visit with his family in a closed glassy cabin.


128 Bahai’s Students Expelled from Universities

The Baha'i International Community (BIC) said it has obtained a copy of a confidential letter from Iran's Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology that was sent to 81 universities. The letter instructs administrators to expel Baha'i students.

The Iranian government does not officially recognize the Baha'i faith.

Many of the Afghan workers for the municipality have been arrested and sent to a center to be deported to Afghanistan.


11 thousands arrested in Khuzestan

The Iranian police in Khuzestan announced during the past months more than 11 thousands individuals have been caught because of their voile / dress codes. In total, 1.684 of them have been sent to the court to be fined.


The revolutionary court in Mashhad announced a new batch of young men accused to hooliganism will be sentenced to death very soon.

Head of police in Kermanshah told the media a few hooligans have already been executed in public or in the prisons and more young men will be executed in public very soon.

Two individuals in Zahedan and another one in Varamin have been executed.

Death sentences for 4 persons in Mashhad, 6 persons in Tehran (including a woman and 3 young men aged 21, 22 and 24) in Tehran have been issued.

12 youngesters under 18 years old are waiting to be executed in the Iranian prisons, Mohammed Mostafaei, their lawyer requested the government to cancel their executions.


Summary of the reports from Human Right activists in Iran since starting 2007

1. Execution: 157 individuals
2. Sentenced to death: 181 individuals
3. Stoning: 1 person
4. Women waiting for stoning: 8 persons
5. Body member(s) cut off: 5 cases
6. Arrest, interrogation and sentencing journalists: 190 cases
7. Arrest, interrogation and sentencing women activists: 45 cases
8. Arrest, interrogation and sentencing student activists: 227 cases
9. Violation of workers' rights and their associations: 307 cases
10. Arrest, interrogation and sentencing to prison the activists in fields of politics, education and social: 270 cases

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