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Human Rights


2007 Monday 05 February

Massoumeh Ebtkar’s private meeting with Jacques Chirac

Regime-run news agency Fars reported: “Masoomeh Ebtekar*, one of the vice presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran under Khatami who is now a member of the Tehran city council traveled to Paris to hold a private meeting with Jacques Chirac of France.

Masoomeh Ebtekar who was also the head of the environmental protection organization was invited by French president, Jacques Chirac, to attend the international environmental conference in Paris. It has come to light that Ebtekar also participated in meetings and talks with Chirac and the French foreign minister.”

Editor’s note: It is widely believed that as a woman in the political arena of the Islamic republic, Massoumeh Ebtekar would appeal to the west, giving the so-called Reformist camp more legitimacy. As such the patriarch of the Reformists, Hasehmi Rafsanjani has utilized Ebtekar as his messenger to Jacques Chirac, who has shown himself to be a more influencible member of the European Union.

* Massoumeh Ebtekar had a very prominent role in the 1979 embassy hostage crisis. Ebtekar is famous for her violent temper and behavior toward the hostages. During this period she came to be known as “Screaming Mary” and she is on the record as having no regrets about the embassy seizure and that she would be quite willing to shoot all the hostages herself. Ms. Ebtekar who grew up in an afluent family and who attended the most elite international school in Iran, under the Shah became the mouthpiece of the Islamist kidnappers because of her fluency in English which she speaks with an American accent.

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