Tuesday 09 January 2007

Khamenei: "We will not retreat"

According to AFP from Tehran, in a statement on Monday, January 8th Khamenei spoke about the Islamic regime’s nuclear program, he said: "The Islamic republic will never forgo it’s rights to use nuclear energy." Rejecting the UN Security Council resolution 1737, Khamenei added: "None of the regime’s officials have the right to change their minds on the matter either."

Khamenei declared that the Islamic Republic’s gaining access to nuclear technology is "a matter of pride for all Muslim countries".

AFP wrote that the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1737 has constituted various penalties against Tehran’s regime should they refuse to suspend uranium enrichment.

Tehran’s regime has been given a 60-day deadline to respond to the UN Security Council’s appeal to stop its uranium enrichment activities.

Khamenei’s speech was broadcast in excerpts via various reports from the Islamic regime’s own media.

Also on Monday, which coincided with the biggest Moslem ceremony, Eid’eh Ghadeer , some regime-run news agencies such as Fars and Mehr reported of Khamenei speaking among residents of the city of Qom; however conspicuously missing from these reports was film footage from such an important even and minutes after the reports were broadcast by the Islamic regim’s media, the claim of such gathering was deleted from Khamenei’s own site. There have also been no eye witnesses to such a gathering either.

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