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Human Rights


2007 Monday 08 January

With the aid of the Islamic regime, Hamas will have advanced communications equipment

According to regime-run website, Roozna the Hamas terrorist group has just taken delivery of advanced communications equipment in the Gaza strip, improving the Palestinian cellular telephones network.

Israeli newspaper Maariv quoted Palestinian sources who said that these advanced communications equipment were imported via a tunnel in the Rafah region and this way Hamas can monitor the Palestinian cellular phone networks which is among the most advanced and secure of such phone networks in the world.

Maariv reported that the main sources of this equipment to be the regimes in Tehran and Damascus and that for now due to a shortage of facilities the equipment can only be used in a several kilometer range.

According to this newspaper, Israeli security officials fear that the system can be aligned on Israeli cellular phone networks and HAMAS can begin tapping conversations and this way gathering information.

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