Saturday 25 November 2006

Human rights violations in Iran: The international community cannot remain silent

Iran Press News: On Thursday, November 23rd, in reaction to the U.N. resolution condemning the incalculable human rights violations of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a regime foreign ministry spokesman attacked western countries, specifically Canada and claimed: "The contents of this resolution has no connection with the status of real conditions and human rights in Iran and is not only misrepresentation but total obstructionism in the area of human rights.”

The regime’s foreign ministry spokesman mocked Canada and said: “The Canadians as advocates of this human rights resolution against Iran are themselves facing critical charges of the violation of the human rights of natives and immigrants, physical abuse by their police, racism and racial discrimination and as such, they are in absolutely no position to make such claims and bring indictments against other countries. The Islamic Republic will under no circumstance be pressured in this manner."

Manuchehr Motaki, the foreign minister of the Islamic regime also ridiculed Canada and said: "During the past year, Canada has adopted an attrocious posture with regard to the Islamic republic in a manner such that the Canadian embassy in Iran has taken up to spying for the U.S. In the past two years, Canada has quite apparently begun working as an agent of London and Washington. We are therefore hoping that the Canadians will begin to think for themselves and find their complete independence from London and Washington. Of course Canada is not such a big deal or of any consequence anyhow and it’s not like they have any say to make any claims in the global battlefield…we have their number."

On Wenesday, the Islamic Republic radio analysis which showed absolute panic in it’s reaction to the human rights resolution reported: "It is a few years that western countries have left Iran’s human rights issues in the hands of Canada and from behind the scenes, through their votes in the United Nations institutions have supported this country’s bogus resolutions. And everyone is quite clear on the fact that in the framework of the division of labor in the western countries, Canada follows up on human rights issues where others follow up on Iran’s nuclear dossier."

The Canadian representative in the UN General Assembly expressed satisfaction with the UN resolution stating that the resolution addresses the world community’s concerns over Iran’s human rights issues which have become evermore critical.

The representative from Finland which for the time being holds the presidency of the European Union, in his speech said the international community can not remain silent in the face of Iran’s continued and serious human right violations.

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